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Welcome to Marina Youth Baseball Softball!!

2024 Registration NOW OPEN

MYBS 2024 Registrations are officially open!

Sign up now and receive $10 off early registration untill Dec 12th

Signing up multiple kids? Receive an extra $10 off (Sibling discount).

We are just as excited as you are for baseball/softball to start back up!

Sign below via team snap!


2023 End of the season Coaches Game. THANK YOU Coaches!! This season could not be possible with out you all.... It was a blast!

Thank You to Our 2023 Sponsors!

On behalf of all the players and families of Marina Youth Baseball Softball we’d like to thank our 2023 Sponsors. These local businesses have never hesitated to support our league throughout the years and without their involvement and generosity, our league would simply not be possible.

Thank you again for your continuous support to our community.

Closing Day

We are coming down to the last week of our baseball and softball season. We hope you all have had an amazing time seeing our kids learn and enjoy the game of baseball and softball. This Saturday May 13th we will close our regular recreation season with some family fun for all! 

Closing Day Ceremonies 

Our festivities will be held at Preston park lower football field that include; Jump houses, face paint and a free BBQ hot dog available at snack bar for all players and coaches. Players and families are welcomed to enjoy anytime from 10am-6pm.   

Trophy ceremony will begin at 4:00pm at the upper baseball field. Please have players in uniform and arrive at 3:45pm to begin field formation. Please keep in mind parking will be rough. We encourage families to ride share, walk, or bike. A team parent is welcomed to make their team a banner to display at ceremonies for a chance to win a gift card for best banner.   

Champions Day 2023

Marina Youth Baseball Softball is honored to host its 2nd Annual "Champions Day Game". May 6th, 2023 at 12:00pm location Preston Park in Marina Ca. We are pleased to provide this FREE game day event for children ages 5-14yrs with special needs to be able to come together for a friendly game of baseball.

This game is created to provide every Monterey County Child with special needs the opportunity to play and experience the joy of America's favorite pastime alongside a forever teammate "buddy".

It is Marina Youth Baseball/Softball and its affiliation to PONY's goal to provide a fun and safe environment that enhances the participants' self-esteem, physical mobility and embodies the spirit of teamwork and community.

If you are interested in joining us please register your player using the link below. We look forward to meeting you all in this very special event.

Please reach out to Vely Mathews our fundraising/special events coordinator for any questions or concerns at

Click to Register below or use QR code!

Movie @ The ball park!

Our annual fundraiser event hosted by Marina Youth Baseball Softball will be Friday, April 28th. At this years annual fundraiser the league will be hosting a movie night at the ball park @ Los Arboles showing The Sandlot at 7:30 pm. Our annual team basket raffle tickets will go on sale this day. Baskets will be raffled off at closing day. For movie night, we will have a Full Snack bar OPEN with hot foods. (Fresh Popcorn, Pizza, Burgers, hamburgers, Hot Dogs, hotlinks/sausage The Marina Burger, Drinks & Candy to raise funds. 

PLEASE No Outside food permitted!! 

This is a great way to have teams, families, friends and community members come hang out, have fun, grab snacks, drinks from our concessions and watch a classic movie together. So layer up, get warm, Bring your blankets, chairs and join us for this fun family event. 

Fundraising helps us keep our registrations for baseball and softball rates the lowest in the county as well as offer scholarships to families in need. In addition, to purchasing new equipment, up keeping fields, uniforms, pictures and so much more.

-Team Basket Info-

Every team is obligated to put together a team themed basket to raffle and raise funds. A Team Parent will take charge to help organize the basket for your team. 

Team parents can also collect money from each player’s parent from $5-up to purchase the items needed for the basket. Baskets are due no later than 4/26. Please do not put any money in baskets. You can also google how to make a raffle basket to get many awesome ideas. This basket raffle is something our league has done for many years and has been a fun and successful way to raise funds for the league. BASKETS WILL BE RAFFLED OFF AT CLOSING DAY. Tickets will be available for purchase at snack bars during movie night and all home games until closing day ceremonies. $5 a ticket or 5 for $20. Winners will not need to be present to win. 

We appreciate your efforts in making our fundraiser fun and successful. 

Please contact Vely at for any questions, or if your can help volunteer for this event.    

MYBS @Oak A's

Join us April 30th MYBS at Oak A's

MYBS goes to the Oakland Coliseum. Sunday April 30th for Youth Baseball and Softball Day. The whole family is welcomed to come. Tickets go on Sale NOW. Limited stock available so please buy your tickets before they sell out. $20ea ticket outfield plaza level includes; a pregame festival, parade around the field as the pros warm up, and to watch FULL game of baseball as the A's take on the Cincinnati Reds, Plus so much more fun. Buy your tickets and parking pass below.

You don't want to miss out on this family fun day at the ball park!

Picture Day March 18th

Say Cheese!

MYBS Picture day is this Saturday March 18th at Preston Park (lower football field). Please arrive at your teams set time slot with your player in full uniform. We worked hard to get teams schedued before their game start times as best as we could. 

All players receive a free basic player package from the league that includes; 1- Button,  4 wallets, 1- 5x7 Team photo. Any extra items can be purchased and ordered directly through shutterbug once given your access code. pictures will be mailed out directly. All access codes will be emailed via shutterbug studios.

Lets See those Smiles! 

Opening Day 2023

Opening Day is almost here! We are so excited to start the 2023 spring season. Opening Day will be held at Los Arboles sports complex on March 11, 2023. Please have all your players arrive no later than 8:30 am to receive jerseys and hats from their coaches and to begin team formation on field. Please see the flier for our Opening Day schedule and games. Free doughnuts/bagels will be provided for coaches and players. 

We are looking forward to seeing all of our youth ball players learn and have fun playing this baseball and softball Season.

2023 Season Registration CLOSED

Marina Youth Baseball Softball Registration for the 2023 Season is NOW OPEN. Sign up to Play, Coach, Volunteer, or Sponsor a team TODAY! Registration Links attached below.

Registration Closes Feb 11th, Coaches will be in contact by Feb by Feb 18th. 

The Registration "Welcome to Marina Youth Baseball Softball!!" is not currently available.

The Registration "Welcome to Marina Youth Baseball Softball!!" is not currently available.

Los Arboles Park Clean Up

Bring your gloves, brooms, rakes and helping hands. As we work together with our partners at Friends of Marina Parks! To help clean our home ball field Los Arboles from 9am-12pm just in time for our Opening Day March 11th. All families and community members welcomed.

-Parents take advantage and get your required MYBS volunteer hours done before the start of the season!

Free Baseball & Softball Clinic Dates

Don't forget about our upcoming Training Clinics!

Before the start of the season, we offer our community a FREE training that focuses on the fundamentals of baseball and softball. This is a great way to get your players back into the swing of things and dust off their gloves, or to simply get a feel for the Sport. Come on out, bring your players, meet some coaches and board members. Ask us questions about the upcoming season. We'll also have an equipment swap and donation area for all your gently used items (baseball gloves, cleats, bats, helmets and gear). Please bring your players in comfy clothes, cleats and labeled water bottle.

Girls Softball February 4th 2023 at Los Arboles Sports Complex

Pre-rookie (6-8yrs) 10am- 11am

Rookie (9-10yrs) 11am-12pm

Minors (11-12yrs) 12pm-1pm

Majors (13-14yrs) 1pm-2pm

⚾️Baseball February 11th, 2023 @ Preston Park Ball Fields

Shetland (Co-ed 4-6yrs) 10am-11am

Pinto & Mustang (7-10yrs) 11am-12:30pm

Bronco & Pony (11-14yrs) 11am- 12:30pm

Preston Park Field Clean Up Day!

As the 2023 season approaches, its time once again to get our fields in playing Shape! All community members welcomed as we work together to help get our fields in safe and playing condition for our local youth ball players.

Join to help Saturday January 28th, 2023

TIme: 10:00am - 1:00pm 

Location: Preston Park Ball Fields 3100 Preston Dr Marina Ca 93933.


World Series Special $10 off

Marina Youth Baseball Softball Registration for the 2023 Season is NOW OPEN with a special WORLD SERIES pricing of $10 off per registration till 11/6/22 ONLY. Don't miss out sign up today! 

2023 MYBS Board of Directors!

Marina Youth Baseball Softball will be holding its Annual Board Election for its 2023 Spring Season. Elections will be held September 19th - 24th 2022. If you'd like to join the board the last day to submit a request to be placed on the ballot is Wednesday September 14th by 5pm. Become more involved in making a difference in our local youth baseball and Softball program. Email us at

*2022/23 Board Election Results held 9/26/22*  

President: Manuel Mathews 

Baseball Director: Stephen Bailey 

Softball Director: Dan Munoz 

Treasurer: Wendy Burnett 

Secretary: Eugenie Adams

Fundraising/Special Events: Vely Mathews 

Sponsor Director: Emily Castaneda 

Concessions/Volunteer Director: Alicia Seliskar Rodriguez

Fields Director: Joe Delfin 

Equipment Director: Andy Salas 

Board Members at Large: Jessie Rippie, Travis Rippie


Marina Youth Baseball Softball had 6 All-Star teams. In Baseball we had Shetland, Pinto, Mustang. In Softball we had Pre-rookie, Rookie, Minors. Way to represent teams, we are so proud of each one of you. You all battled and played with heart. A very special thanks to all of our coaches for their hard work and dedication to the teams. Congratulations  - Go Marina 

Buy Your Fireworks & Support MYBS

Buying safe and sane fireworks? Come by our TNT fireworks booth located at the Walgreens parking lot 228 Reservation Rd in Marina. FYI fireworks have been selling fast so don't wait, hurry and get your fireworks while supplies last. Our booth is NOW OPEN from 10am-9pm. Come on out buy your fireworks and support our local youth baseball & softball organization. 100% of the proceeds go right back into our program. Swing on by, say hello, and take a look at our small & large assortments deals of bright and colorful fireworks to enjoy for your 4th of July celebration. 

Closing Day 2022

Swing on Over to Celebrate!

Saturday May 21st will be our Closing Day celebration for the end of the 2022 baseball and softball Season. Trophy & Closing ceremonies will begin at 4pm. All teams are to arrive and start formation at 3:15pm in the upper Preston ball field in full uniform with comfy shoes.

Festivities will be an all day event from 11am-5pm for our families to enjoy at any time with bounce houses, corn hole, mini-giant soccer, bubbles, and so much more fun.

MYBS will be providing a free hamburger/ hot dog meal for all players, coaches, Team Parents.

Final Games will be played for all Shetland,Pinto, Mustang and Bronco Teams. Pictures will be distributed to Coaches or Team parents to give after ceremonies.   

Lower Preston

  • 9am- Braves vs Blue Heelers  
  • 10am- Blue Dragons vs Rockies 
  • 11am- SuperSonics vs little Giants 
  • 12pm- Cardinals vs Gators
  • 2pm-  2 Ball Bronco Tournament.

Upper Preston

  • 10am- Pinto Cougars vs Legends

  • 12:30pm- Mustang Lumberjacks vs Hatchlings 

Parking will be tight, we encourage families to ride share, bike, or walk to park. Additional parking up Abrams Dr.

Team that creates the best handmade team banner wins a prize.      

This event will be a home run!! We can't wait to celebrate with you all!

MYBS Fundraising

QR Pay Taco Plate

Come on out, Saturday May 7th 11am-4pm support your league, invite families and friends, have some tacos, raise some funds and cheer on our T-ballers. Marina Youth baseball Softball will be holding its biggest fundraising event. Not only is it a fun way to get our MYBS teams, families and community together to chat, laugh and win some cool gift baskets. But It’s also a way to “taco-bout” why fundraising for your league is so important!!

Taco/food Sale

  • $15 plate of 3 Tacos choice of (Asada, Chicken, Al Pastor) paired with Rice and Beans.
  • $1-$5 Bake Sale
  • $3-$5 Kona Ice

**Buy a PRE-SALE Taco Plate Online before Sat May 7th and you'll earn 1 Free Basket raffle Ticket for each plate purchased. Purchase here online ** 

Gift Basket Raffle 

Over 15 Gift Baskets to raffle that our wonderful teams have put together with amazing gifts inside. Raffle tickets will be sold during the event. You'll want to check out and win these really cool team gift baskets, buy tickets and raffle on your favorite basket or take a chance and raffle on all. Best of luck! Drawing will be held at 4pm. Do not need to be present to win.

Ticket Prices

  • 1 tix for $2
  • 3 tix for $5
  • 5 tix for $10
  • 15tix for $20

Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference, your support Matters!

If you can not join us and would still Like to give a gift to support our local youth baseball and softball league you can donate here at  MYBS Thanks YOU!


Champions Day

Marina Youth Baseball Softball is honored to host its first "Champions Day Game". April 30th, 2022 at 1:00pm at Preston Park in Marina Ca. We are pleased to provide this FREE game day event for children ages 5-14 with special needs to be able to come together for a friendly game of baseball.

This game is created to provide every Monterey County Child with special needs the opportunity to play and experience the joy of America's favorite pastime alongside a forever teammate "buddy".

It is Marina Youth Baseball/Softball and its affiliation to PONY's goal to provide a fun and safe environment that enhances the participants' self-esteem, physical mobility and embodies the spirit of teamwork and community.

If you are interested in joining us please register your player using the link below. We look forward to meeting you all in this very special event. Please reach out to Vely Mathews our fundraising/special events coordinator for any questions or concerns at

Picture Day

Say Cheese!

MYBS Picture day is this Saturday April 9th at Preston Park (lower football field). Please arrive at your teams set time slot with your player in full uniform.

All players receive a free basic player package as part of your registration that includes;

1 individual, 4 wallets, 1 5x7 Team photo.

Parents please be sure to complete a picture form for each of your players, even if you are not purchasing extra photos. Picture forms will be available on location. The vendor accepts cash, check, credit card & venmo. Please see team time slots.

Lets See those Smiles!

Opening Day

We are so excited to celebrate the start of the 2022 Spring Baseball & Softball season. Please see schedule below.

Location: Upper field Preston Park

8:45am - Players Arrive & Find team formation

9:30am - Opening Day Ceremonies will start promptly.

11:00am - Jamboree Games Start

Please be advised parking is limited, consider ride sharing, walking, or biking. Go Marina!

2022 Registration is Closed for all Divisions

Our Spring Season will begin March and run through May.

Marina Youth Baseball Softball is excited to have a full 2022 season. This season will consist of conditioning, strengthening, practices, and games; while learning the fundamentals of baseball and softball.

We strive to provide a safe, fun and inviting environment for all families and participants to enjoy the games of Baseball and Softball in our community.

Please email us at to find out if there are spaces available and to be added to the wait list.

Free Baseball & Softball Clinic

Join Us 2/12/22 For A FREE Training Clinic

MYBS Families, 

As we head into the baseball and softball season we would like to remind you all, we have a free Clinic at Preston Park this Saturday, Feb 12th. Times are below for each division group. This clinic is a quick, free training on the fundamentals of baseball and softball. This is a great way to get your players back into the swing of things and dust off their gloves, or to simply get a feel for the Sport. Come on out, bring your players, meet some coaches and board members. We'll have an equipment exchange and donation area for all your gently used items (baseball gloves, cleats, bats, helmets and gear). We're happy to answer any questions you may have. Payment drop off is available for all offline fees (Checks only). 

Schedule Times


10:00am - 11am - Pre-Rookie (Girls 7-8yrs)

11:00am - 12pm - Rookies (Girls 9-10yrs)

12:00pm - 1pm - Minors & Majors (Girls 11-14yrs)


1:00pm-2pm - Shetland / T-Ball (Coed 4-6yrs)

2:00pm-3:30pm - Baseball  (Pinto, Mustang, Bronco, Pony 7-14yrs) 


Looking forward to seeing you all on the ball field!


Manuel Mathews

MYBS Board President

Preston Park Clean Up Day '22

Preston Park Clean Up Day 22



Marina Youth Baseball Softball is partnering with Friends of Marina Parks on Jan. 22 to help beautify Preston Park ahead of our 2022 baseball and softball seasons!


2022 Season Baseball Softball Registration

2021 World Series Special Promotion

Oct. 26, 2021 - Nov. 7, 2021

Enjoy an Early Bird Registration special for the 2021 World Series beginning TODAY October 26th.

Register now and receive $10 off each player's registration before prices go up on November 8th.

Register Today & Let's Play Ball!

Join the MYBS board of directors!

It's that time again!

Interested in planning and helping out for the 2022 Marina Youth Baseball & Softball season?

Board Elections will be held Tuesday September 28th at 6:15pm at the Round Table in Marina we welcome any and all who would like to join us.

Reach out to: for more information. We'd love to have you be a part of the team. 

SOLD OUT! See you next year!

Thank you all so much for Supporting Marina Youth Baseball & Softball. Have a Fun & Safe 4th of July!

Thanks to all of our Board members for putting in work and big thanks to Marina Fire and MPD for checking in on us -We appreciate you!


Thank you for a Great 2021 Season!

Thank you to all our Coaches and Volunteers who came together to make this season a success, we couldn't have done with out you!

Also, Great Job to all our players, we can't wait to see you next year!

2021 Spring Training Season

MYBS Families, 

With recent data from pre-registrations received, Marina Youth Baseball/Softball is pleased to announce our 2021  "Spring Training" Season. This will be a 6-7 week season consisting of Conditioning/Strengthening as well as Training/Practicing and Scrimmaging while learning  the  fundamentals of baseball and softball. Our Spring Season  is set to start April 19th and run through May 28, 2021. We have decided to combine Pinto/Mustang (7-10 year olds) and the Bronco/Pony (11-14 year olds) in Baseball. For Softball we will combine the  Pre-Rookies/Rookies (7-10 year olds) and combine  Minors/Majors (11-14 year olds). The  Shetland (4-6 year olds) would remain its own division. Given that most PONY organizations  in our region have decided to play within their own programs for Covid safety, we will not be playing official games this 2021 season. MYBS goal this year is to get our kids back out onto  the fields in a safe, fun, inviting environment, enjoying the game of Baseball/Softball.

The Registration Fee for all Divisions will be $50. We will be honoring our 50% credit for those  who PAID to play last year. Players will receive a uniformed hat and practice jersey. 

MYBS will be following Covid-19 Protocols and Procedures for the Safety and Health of our players, coaches, volunteers and families. Information on these requirements and guidelines  are available on our website. As a united organization here at MYBS we will all be responsible  for upholding these regulations in order to complete a healthy, safe and enjoyable season for all. 

The MYBS Board of Directors is excited about hosting this 2021 Baseball/Softball Spring Training  program. To register log onto our website at If already pre-registered please log in and REGISTER, pay registration fee to be added to our official rosters and teams. Coaches will be contacting you via email or phone with practice schedules and  locations soon. 

We thank you all for your patience and understanding while we sort through the continuing changes of our counties COVID safety guidelines and tiers. 

We look forward to seeing everyone out on the ball fields soon! 

Manuel Mathews

MYBS Board President

2023 Support our Sponsors!

Volunteer Help

Marina Youth Baseball Softball is a local 100% volunteer run non profit program. In order for our Youth Baseball/softball program to succeed parent support is needed. As a reminder 4 hrs of volunteer service is required per player registration. You can help complete those hours by assisting coaches with field prep before games, score keeping, snack bar help, event help, as well end of the day park clean up.

Parent's can sign up for a time slot using our signup genius page on the link below.

Please feel free to reach out to our volunteer coordinator Alicia Rodriguez at on how you can help complete your hours or if you have any questions.

We thank you in advance for your time and can't do this without you.

Go Marina!

Bears 4 U

Marina Youth Baseball Softball is proud to support Rose Ferrero's 6th Grade Class collecting Teddy Bears for the displaced children of Ukraine.

Please bring your new or slightly used Teddy Bear to any Marina Youth Baseball Softball Home Game through April 16th and turn it in to the snack bar. Or Contact for drop off. 

PO Box 515 Marina, CA 93933

Marina Youth Baseball Softball is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. Tax ID: 84-4387636